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Sunburst Memorials

Customized memorials for pets, home, and office are a heartfelt way to celebrate the lives of those we love. From stones dedicated to your family’s beloved pet to commemorative pieces that highlight special milestones, Sunburst Memorials will help you create exactly what you’re looking for.

The Pool House Garden Stone


From garden stones to home decor.

Desk Plaque Laser Etched


Commemorative plaques and nameplates.



Memorialize pets and all we love about them.

See Granite Colors

Academy Black
Amber Glow Amber Glow
Bahama Blue
Blue Pearl
Cats Eye Cats Eye
Colonial Rose
Ebony Mist Ebony Mist
Galaxy Black Galaxy Black
Imperial Grey
India Mist
Indiared Sunburst Red
Indian Mahogany Sunburst Mahogany
Indian Mahagany Rustic Mahagany
Jet Black Jet Black
Lakesuperiorgreen Lake Superior Green
Marikanablack Marikana
Mesabi Black Select
Screen Shot 2020 04 21 At 11.30.16 Am Minnesota Russet
Minnesota Variegated Minnesota Variegated
Moonlight Grey Moonlight Grey
Morning Rose
Paradisio Paradiso
Pearl Grey Pearl Grey
Superior Black Granite Superior Black
Royal Emerald
Silver Cloud Silver Cloud
Selectbarre Select Barre
Sierra White
St. Cloud Grey
Tropical Green Tropical Green
Taj Aurora Taj Aurora

Personalization Options

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For even the most intricate imagery.

Janzen Front


From full color to black and white.

Sunburst Anniversary Design


Fully unique, from shapes to details.

Coordinating Accessories

Metalcraft 6x10 Paragon upright memorial vase shown in Silver Grey

Vases & Planters

Coordinating vases and planters.

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